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How to re-string accordion shades

Here is how  I restrung the accordion shades in our motor home.   

Get drapery cord of like size from any fabric store. 

Remove the shade and lay on a flat surface.

Slide the covers off of the top and bottom plates.

See the diagram at the bottom for re-stringing the shades.

Here is the shade laid on a flat surface with the top cover removed and the spring offset.
The springs have two lines tied to each end.  The original (pictured) has a crimp to hold the lines together.  An appropriate knot will do the same thing when replacing with new line.
A better look at the top.   The lines run from the springs and are fed through the holes in the top plate, the shade, and the bottom plate.
It is easier to feed the new line through the shade when it is compressed and the holes are in line.  Use a large needle to feed  the line. 
This schematic  should make plain where the lines should be threaded.

(Click on the picture for a larger view)

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